Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Unconditional Love

There can be no comparison to the unconditional love that I feel for my son.  From the moment I knew that he was inside of me - my life changed forever.  It has been a wondrous journey so far - feeling him grow, finding out that he is a boy, meeting him for the first time.  The wonder of all of the firsts - cries, yawns, smiles, rolling over, crawling walking, talking, singing.  Watching him as he explores the world - so full of questions.  Listening to him become an outstanding reader - writing his own stories and poetry.  Seeing him being such a good and compassionate little being - making smiles happen wherever he goes - he always has something of himself to give. He is simply amazing. I feel my heart will burst one of these days with the love that I have for him.  And as where I'm in no hurry to see him grow up too fast - I'm fascinated to see how he will evolve and who he will become as he gets older.  Nature and nurture working together to create a very special human being.  I wonder who it is that he will fall in love with.  Will he fall in love with a man or a woman or both?  To me, it's the second biggest mystery after finding out if he was a boy or a girl.  Just like the color of his hair, the length of his fingers, the sound of his voice - his sexuality is just as much as who he is.  

I can not for one moment ever imagine not wanting to be just as much a part of his life, loving him any less, wanting any less for him if he is homosexual rather the heterosexual.  Simply can not imagine how a parent's love could turn into hatred simply based on who their child falls in love with.  My heart breaks for all of the children whose parents have turned away from them.   Sexuality is part of what makes a soul and we should be able to love and be loved unconditionally. 

It does not matter what toys you give your child to play with.  There really are no 'girl' toys or 'boy' toys.  The toys in a child's hands is not what determines his sexuality.  Why would you want to squash your child's potential by limiting his choices?  Girls don't just have to wear pink dance.  Boys don't just have to wear blue and play football.  Every child should have the freedom - and parents who foster it - to be whatever they want to be.  Just because a boy is in ballet does not mean he's gay.  Just because a boy play's football does not mean that he is straight.  It does not work that way. 

My son is a poet, a singer, a piano player, a lego builder, a sandcastle maker.   He loves to dance and he's a showman.  A few months ago he was planning his wedding to Maia  - a sweet little girl who sat next to him in the first grade.  But who knows - maybe in the second grade he will be planning his wedding to Andrew.

All I know is I want to be there on his Wedding Day.